Thursday, February 3, 2011

Because I Need a Laugh (NSFW and bad language galore)

So, a dear friend of mine is having a really bad time right now and I feel completely useless. And between my life drama and others I know that are having a rough time right now, I figure we could all use a little laughter and this always brings a smile to my face. This is the audio of Christian Bale's infamous rant on the set of that silly terminator movie. First is the original audio and then I have the fabulous mixed version to music. It's epic and awesome.

A bit of a heads up: If you haven't heard this before and our offended by the F word, don't listen to this. Seriously, Christian lurves himself the F-bomb. If he could cuddle it and take it to bed, he totally would.

See? This shit makes me giggle. Every time. ::sigh::


The Queen B said...

They *tried* to stop him but he totally yelled at the director! It was hilarious. He's all going on about being professional and he was totally off the rails. LMAO!

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